This AM I accidentally deleted ALL of my websites files. That’s plural–all of the content from all of my websites, my podcasts and hosted reel. I was biting back tears and trying to power through it. “So I’ve lost every bit of digital work that I did in Chicago…it’s not the end of the world.” It was a hard sell, but I’m determined to succeed. I wouldn’t be where I am if I wasn’t. I’ve come a long way from that shack and I have to keep trudging FORWARD.
I submitted a desperate help ticket to BlueHost, my server company. The request didn’t even make sense really. It was like I was crying through email–“please help.” They did. Lightning fast response and a backup of ALL web files from 2am today!!! TODAY. Not even a month ago, which I would have been jumping for joy over…
When you come so close to losing all of the work that, now you only see the flaws with, made me appreciate it for what it is. They’re my building blocks. I have to keep building and appreciate the steps that got me here.
I have a lot more to say. I’m sorry that I haven’t updated much about our amazing race across country–but I’ll be back more often now that you’ve come back to life. Suffice it to say that we are very happy and settling in along the peninsula of the San Francisco Bay. It’s glorious. The Queer Mecca Mothership…we are home.